Hail and welcome: Aries Sun
Spirit of Bold Risks
Rays of Essential Growth and Change.
You have arrived again
to Fuel our Collective Will,
Open our eyes to Potential,
and our hearts to the Unifying Power
of Conflict.
May your Essence inspire us
to Act Now and hesitate later
for fear only helps
the sprout crack the seed.
May all of our Souls be on fire
with Resilience
This Choice is as natural
as the worms
rising up.
May we endure
in ways we cannot even conceive yet.
May we be reminded
of just how Worthy
we are of Vitality and Life.”
Poem and spell channeling Spring’s magic for our collective nervous system written by Evolutionary Astrologer and queer witch Aurora Dawning aka Aurora the Witch. Follow her blog to read more!