I have a hospice client I’ve been visiting since March. She is on a slow walk to death. She is unhurried about the process in all ways. She is directing it. Never doubt that the one who is doing the business of dying has a say in the progress. Every person I’ve sat with has…
Author: Vesper.Amanita
Elements of Magic: Four Cardinal Demons – A Retrospective by Cabra
Elements of Magic is the first Reclaiming Witchcraft Core Class. It is, to my knowledge, the only one allowed to be a prerequisite for other Core Classes. lnxc;vasbabs;vh I took my first Elements of Magic when I was 20 years old. Since then I have taken it 3 additional times. It is always a time…
On Mindfulness by Boneweaver
Mindfulness is bloody hard This is one of the most difficult concepts for me to not argue against. What do meeeeaaaannnn I’m not my thoughts and feelings?!? Of course I am! Oh wait, thank gods I’m not. With a brain that runs a hundred directions at once, really, thank gods I am not. My essence,…
Public Ritual February 24 – Thank you to all those who attended!
“I who am the beauty of the green earth and white moon among the stars and the mysteries of the waters. I call upon your souls to arise and come unto me.“ Join us for our February 24th, 2024 ritual as we begin our journey of creation with the Star Goddess. The ritual will take…
A Prayer for Descendants by Boneweaver
A Prayer for Descendants My name is not a whisper in your ancestors’ ears,so long gone, a gossamer memory tattered by millenia. And yet, and yet… When breezes lie soft on cheeks and hair, and rains gentle across your lands; when rabbits play tag nearby, and hope lines the pockets in your soul; when drink…